Mobile Security Masters

Wandera’s Mobile Security Masters (MSM) program prepares you to stand out among your peers as an expert in mobility and security.

By enrolling in our certification program you’ll have access to rich training content including videos, quizzes, and virtual or in-person sessions, all designed to expand your expertise.

Demonstrate your mastery and you’ll be issued a Mobile Security Master badge – you can also unlock cool gifts and cash.

Include your badge in your email signature, your LinkedIn profile, or use it to promote your expertise to the communities, individuals or projects that are important to you.


From a single console, you can access our course curriculum and manage your progress.

Pass the master-class exam

A passing grade of 24/30 (or 80%) will trigger an invite to schedule a live exam with your assigned program accreditor.

Demonstrate your mastery

Present and demo the mobile security solution during a one-hour video call. We’ll hit you with tough questions and advice on how to handle them.

You’ll be provided with links to access the curriculum and some basic guidance on getting started.