Wandera Private Access
The State of Remote Access
Remote access should be fast, so we’ll break down the facts for you in 60 seconds.
The way we work has changed:
No one wants to be in the office
2020 has accelerated the adoption of remote working. A recent Gartner CFO survey revealed 74% intend to shift at least some employees to remote work permanently.
We love using apps
They help us work, providing the information and tools we need. On average, the number of apps used by businesses has increased by 50% in the last 4 years, and IT teams need to provide access to all of them – a challenging task.
The traditional answer to remote access has been VPN, but at 25-years old, it’s from a different era – it’s the horse and cart of networking.
“I love my VPN”
- No One, Ever
VPN isn’t designed to keep up with the always-on mobile world. The only thing it does quickly is drain the devices’ battery levels.
VPN appliances take a lot of time to configure and need constant maintenance, including hardware upgrades, software patches and certificate management.
VPN isn’t as secure as you might think. According to IDC, a VPN was used in 68% of all major breaches involving remote access.
Entering the race:
Wandera Private Access
Private Access is optimized for mobile. It’s quick to set up and provides incredibly fast connectivity to any app.
Built in the cloud, Private Access is constantly optimized to provide the best possible performance and is simple to deploy.
Private Access is security reimagined, providing the highest level of protection without getting in the way.
Leave VPN in the dust
Private Access is ready to overtake VPN. Gartner predicts that 60% of enterprises will replace their VPN in favor of this new breed of solution over the next 2-3 years.
Private Access is built into the Wandera app, making it easy to upsell existing customers. The Wandera suite is now a 3-in-1, making it the go-to solution for enabling a productive, cyber-safe and cost-effective remote workforce.